Difference Between Escorts & Prostitutes

16 August 2022
Difference Between Escorts & Prostitutes

Usually, people believe that escorts and prostitutes are the same. However, that is not true. In fact, this misconception is quite widespread and people often use the terms escort and prostitutes interchangeably. That is why it is important to know the difference between escorts and prostitutes so that you do not misunderstand, especially when you are looking to book a sensual companion.

It is prudent to remember that escort service is considered legal in the UK. However, prostitution is not. Kerb crawling, solicitation, or working with a pimp is considered illegal as it can lead to exploitation and trafficking. If you pay for sex or sexual services, you will be on the wrong side of the law and will attract criminal charges if you are found guilty. Hence, it pays to know why you can hire an escort but not a prostitute. 

What is a Prostitute?

A prostitute is a person who offers sexual services in lieu of money. Such a person can be a man or woman. The aim of a prostitute is just to provide sexual services and get paid for them. Usually, prostitutes work with a pimp, who solicits customers on their behalf. However, there are even prostitutes who stand at the side of roads to attract customers or visit bars and hotels to snare customers.

In the UK, prostitution is illegal. Even being a pimp, running a brothel, or kerb crawling is considered illegal. A prostitute who indulges in these activities as well as clients can be booked and punished. Prostitutes are often forced by their pimps and brothel in-charge to service clients and they have no say on their working hours or the kind of clients they can accept.

So, if you are seeking a sensual companion, you should refrain from hiring the services of a prostitute. While it is illegal and the risk of getting caught is high, you can also expose yourself to diseases, especially STDs and STIs.

What is an Escort?

Before you find out more about what is an escort, it is important to understand that escorting is not synonymous with prostitution. The two are completely different. Escorts offer companionship for a fee. They can accompany you to business events, family gatherings, casual lunches, and other similar occasions. The fee that you pay is solely for companionship and not for sexual favours or services.

Escorts offer you their time in exchange for money. Many are students or even professionals looking to make money on the side. Escorts work as independent contractors and if they are affiliated with an escort agency, the agency functions as a conduit to introduce the escort to a potential client and handles all the marketing and promotional activities for the escort.

An escort chooses her working hours and has the freedom to accept or reject an appointment. An escort agency does not force an escort to work a specific number of hours or accept a booking from a client. In fact, clients make direct payments to escorts and the agency gets a commission for introducing the escort and the client. If an escort provides sexual services to a client, it is considered an act between two consenting adults. Escort agencies do not get involved in physical intimacy or what happens behind closed doors between escorts and clients.


It is illegal to advertise prostitution in the UK. On the other hand, escort agencies can advertise as long as they make it clear that they providing introductory services and are not pimps. Many adult advertisement sites do not accept ads from brothels and prostitutes.

If you want to find Birmingham escorts, you can easily do that. The best way is to check online. You can look for a reputable escort directory that has listings for escorts in Birmingham. While there are several such directories, you will find that one of the most reliable and reputable directories is Goo Escorts.

Goo Escorts is a London escorts directory but also has listings by escort agencies and independent escorts serving clients in Birmingham and other major cities across the UK. It has a huge database of independent and agency escorts and you can use the search filter to refine your search and find your dream escort.
